#prompt sunday brunch


“He didn’t!”

“Totally did.”

James looks a bit punched in the face, and Harry startles—but James just slides back down his chair, blinking too fast.

“That means you have a shot with him.” Lily doesn’t notice she’s buttering the tablecloth. “You should be happy!”

“Happy,” Al repeats, too busy trying to feed Scorpius his toast. “We can go on a double date. Me and Scorp, you and Te—”

“Teddy?” Draco asks from the doorway, wide-eyed. “James fancies Teddy?”

“Help me,” James whispers, and by the time Harry realises he’s asking Draco, he’s laughing too hard to care.

For@domaystic‘s day 17. Find all of Robin’s Domaystic Drabbles here!
